The Traditional Wedding Party of Lombok Island

Lombok is called as a small island or another foreigner states it as a spicy island, because in Bahasa Indonesia, Lombok is meant chili. It is provided from most of the foods in Lombok are spicy. Besides having a beautiful tourism destination, Sasak tribe has so many unique culture and art, also has so many social values and deep moral message on it. It needs deep understanding and analyzing to know what exactly sasak culture mean, let’s have a look for one of many culture that Sasak tribe has, it is traditional party weeding. If you are from outside of Lombok or you are a foreigner, you will be amaze to see some kind of unique things that you will find on this party weeding, Sasak people call it begawe. This is done either at a time when the marriage ceremony, circumcision, or thanksgiving. Begawe this is a thanksgiving event that involves all elements of society. This is where Indonesia is seen that the State is still upholding social values, called “Gotong Royong” or helping among fellow citizens.

This event is planned for about a week or more before the event will be held.  Starting from prepare the invitation. This event does require great expense and effort, but still feels light because it is still a caring community to help ease the the burden on others. For instance in my village. Here all of villagers unite to help each other, aged, young and children togther be one in this one of the local wisdom of Lombok Island. Usually this event held two days. Starting from the core event held the evening before, and usually the guests are people from the village itself. And for tomorrow morning, the guest come to the house of villager whom held this ceremony, He/ She calls “Epen Gawe”.

On the morning, the guest and all of the villagers entertained by the traditional music of Lombok “Gendang Beleq” or not infrequently also entertained by the traditional dance of Lombok such as “Joget and Gandrung”, but they are held at night.


Huge dose of rice.

Every sasak people have begawe equipment for general use. They have same right to use the equipment for their need and without any charge. The begawe equipment usually used to cook huge dose of rice, meat, and many kind of foods that need in begawe ceremony. It is the symbolic of togetherness and sharing to each other.



Begibung or having lunch together. The villager or guests who invited to the begawe ceremony will gathered in one place to have lunch together, it calls begibung and the lunch will be transferred by epen gawe to the place where they eat. The activity is the symbolic of cooperation of the sasak people who help one and other.


Dulang (The food that will be eaten together)

The Funny MC.

On a big party or ceremonial, the master of ceremony wearing good natty dress and holding microphone. On Begawe, the master of ceremony appear different than the other master ceremonial, usually presented by a man. He wears sarong with bit dirty hat that he always wears for farming. The amazing thing is, he start talking from the beginning of ceremony till the end untill all of guests and villagers back home. While his oration, sometime he doing Nembang (Old Sasak Poem). We can say it he is the alternate of music on ceremonial.



It is the main ceremonial of Begawe or Lombok people call it “Nyongkolan”, this activity in the form of a procession of the bride and groom’s house to the house of the bride, accompanied by the groom’s family and relatives, wearing traditional clothes “lambung for female and begolan for male”, also accompanied by the traditional music of lombok “gendang beleq”.


Pemuda Adat (indigenous youth)

The purpose of this procession is to introduce the couple to the community especially among the relatives and the community where the bride lived because usually the whole series of events held at the wedding the bridegroom. Most participants in the procession usually carry some objects such as crops, vegetables and fruits which will be given to the bride’s relatives and neighbors later. On the order of nobility and line the motorcade carrying objects that have certain rules.

Until now Nyongkolan can be found in Lombok, usually held on the weekend after  praying dzuhur. If you want to pass from highway in Lombok island on the weekend, you have to be ready to face the trafic jam because of this tradional wedding party or nyongkolan.


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